Product Overview

Calcium formate is the calcium salt of formic acid. It is also known as E238. Under this E number it is used as an animal feed preservative within EU, but not in foods intended for people. Calcium formate is stable at room temperature, is inflammable and forms orthorhombic crystals.

Characteristic Data

Property Value
Formula Ca(HCOO)₂
Molar Mass 130.113 g/mol
Density 2.02 g/cm³


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Calcium formate is the calcium salt of formic acid. It is also recognized by the E number E238. This compound is used as an animal feed preservative within the EU but is not approved for use in foods intended for human consumption.

In the EU, calcium formate (E238) serves as an animal feed preservative, helping to maintain the quality and safety of feed products for animals. It is regulated under the E number system, indicating its approval for specific uses.

Calcium formate is stable at room temperature, and it forms orthorhombic crystals. It is a non-flammable compound, contributing to its safe handling and storage.

As an animal feed preservative, calcium formate helps prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms and maintain the freshness of feed products. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of animal nutrition.

Calcium formate is not approved for use in foods intended for people. Its regulatory status is specific to animal feed applications. As with any chemical compound, it is important to adhere to regulatory guidelines and safety recommendations in its handling and application.

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