SILICONE OIL (63148-62-9)

Product Overview

Silicone oil is a viscous, colorless liquid used for various applications. It serves as a protective coating for building materials, a cosmetic additive, a dielectric coolant, and a lubricant. The production involves the polymerization of siloxanes from chlorosilanes. Silicone elastomers, produced through this process, find applications in electrical insulation, gaskets, surgical membranes, implants, and automotive components.

The chemical structure consists of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms with attached organic radicals. While silicone oil has diverse uses, experimental studies indicate potential teratogenic and reproductive effects.

Characteristic Data

Property Value
Melting point −59 °C
Boiling point 101 °C
Density 0.963 g/mL at 25 °C
Vapor density >1 (vs air)
Vapor pressure <5 mm Hg ( 25 °C)
Flash point >270 °C (518 °F)
Storage temp 2-8°C
Flash point 130 °F
Solubility Chloroform (Slightly), Ethyl Acetate (Sparingly), Toluene (Sparingly)
Form Oily Liquid
Color Clear colorless
Odor Odorless
Stability Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents

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Silicone oils are a class of compounds primarily used as lubricants, thermic fluid oils, or hydraulic fluids. They find widespread application in various industrial processes.

Silicone oils serve as effective lubricants due to their low volatility, thermal stability, and resistance to oxidation. These properties help reduce friction, enhance surface protection, and improve the overall efficiency of mechanical systems.

Silicone oils are commonly used in applications where stable and efficient heat transfer is essential, such as in thermic fluid systems. Additionally, their properties make them suitable for use as hydraulic fluids in various hydraulic systems.

Unlike their carbon analogues, silicone oils are non-flammable and excellent electrical insulators. Their unique chemical structure imparts these properties, making them safer and more reliable in applications where electrical insulation is critical.

While silicone oils offer numerous advantages, it’s important to consider factors such as compatibility with certain materials and potential for viscosity changes at extreme temperatures. Understanding these limitations ensures optimal performance in diverse applications.

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